Latter Dad Saint Blog- A New School Year

A new school year is upon us. In our house, this will be the last time all of our kids go back to school together. As hard as it is to believe, Levi is a senior. These last 12 years have gone by incredibly fast. In 2010 when Levi began kindergarten, 2023 felt like an … Continue reading Latter Dad Saint Blog- A New School Year

Latter Dad Saint Blog – Listening To Words From the Prophet

Members of our faith, I challenge each of you to think about how you have had experiences with the Prophet and heeded to his advice over the years. What stands out to you? People outside of our faith, I challenge you to explore our church. There are so many blessings within and I would love for all of you to experience them!

My Father’s Day Present

Keri and the boys bought me a Blackstone for Father's Day. What an incredible present. I've been wanting one for some time now and they graciously obliged. They gave it to me about two weeks early and we have been putting it to use ever since. But that isn't my true Father's Day gift. My … Continue reading My Father’s Day Present

Latter-Dad Saint Blog: Reflecting on the start of my conversion

I'm now proudly sober and will never miss an opportunity to speak up and advocate for it.

Latter Dad Saint Blog: Do we need religion?

I post this at the risk of being chastised for having a biased view to

Latter Dad Saint Blog – Can We Find Joy in Suffering?

No matter how miserable the trials and suffering we go through in this life, Jesus is right there with us. He manifests himself through the Spirit, but also through the love and support of friends, family members, and community. Jesus is there even in the suffering.

Latter Dad Saint Blog – Casual or Careful

This made me reflect on how I live the Gospel and the state of the world today. Am I swerving my heavy load to appease the opinions and ways of the world... or am I taking the right approach and protecting the heavy load I carry despite going against the ways and opinions of the world.

Latter Dad Saint Blog: Why I Believe in God

That's how I know God is real. It's becoming ever more popular to not believe in God. I'll admit, sometimes it seems like a very abstract existence. However, when situations like this happen I cannot deny His existence.

Latter-Dad Saint Blog: Believe Me, There Are Easier Ways

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of being on my friend Vance Crowe's podcast. We chatted about mental health, cattle, pharmacy, and raising a herd of kids during the pandemic. However, one topic he brought up really caught me off guard. He wanted to talk about my life as a member of the … Continue reading Latter-Dad Saint Blog: Believe Me, There Are Easier Ways